Meet Yourself: A User’s Guide to Cultivating Self-Appreciation

I can’t believe that there are a lot of people who are so beautiful, talented and inspirational but still find a way to not appreciate themselves. Let’s fix that.

Rishabh Sharma
Age of Awareness


Image by cookie_studio on Freepik

Do you ever find it easier to shower others with appreciation and gratitude than to acknowledge your own worth? You’re not alone. Most of us struggle when it comes to self-appreciation. We have a tendency to focus on our flaws and inadequacies, leaving little room for acknowledging our strengths. But here’s the thing: self-appreciation is not only essential for our well-being but also for embracing our true selves. Let’s together delve into the art of self-appreciation, uncovering its importance, benefits, and practical strategies to cultivate a healthy sense of self-worth.

The Negativity Bias: Why Appreciating Ourselves Feels Unnatural

It’s time to confront the elephant in the room — the negativity bias. Our minds are wired to dwell on the negative aspects of ourselves, often downplaying our positive qualities. Ever noticed how compliments seem to bounce right off us? Our immediate reaction is to deflect or dismiss them. We feel uncomfortable even contemplating our own greatness…



Rishabh Sharma
Age of Awareness

Passionate wordsmith with a penchant to explore the depths of creativity.