Mind food

Eliel Cruz
Age of Awareness
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2020


“The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest (people) of the past centuries.” — Descartes

Education is but a preparation of the physical, intellectual, and moral powers for the best performance of all the duties of life. Improper reading gives an education that is false. The power of endurance and the strength and activity of the brain may be lessened or increased according to the manner in which they are employed.

Pure healthful reading will be to the mind what healthful food is to the body. You will thus become stronger to resist temptation, to form right habits, and to act upon right principles.

Readers of frivolous, exciting tales become unfitted for the duties of practical life. They live in an unreal world. Children who have been allowed to make a practice of reading such stories. Whether at home or abroad, they were restless, dreamy, unable to converse except upon the most commonplace subjects. Religious thought and conversation was entirely foreign to their minds. With the cultivation of an appetite for sensational stories, the mental taste is perverted, and the mind is not satisfied unless fed upon this unwholesome food. I can think of no more fitting name for those who indulge in such reading than mental inebriates. Intemperate habits of reading have an effect upon the brain similar to that which intemperate habits of eating and drinking have…



Eliel Cruz
Age of Awareness

Engineer, MD. and Entrepreneur. Volunteer for the refugee crisis in Juarez city, Mexico.