Mistakes Most Parents Do

Mahdi Badjelmane
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readJun 4, 2021
Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

I grew up in a great family; my parents raised me in the best ways. They always make sure to educate me, teach me the right manners, and all that stuff.

Not mentioning the society which was supporting education.

As I grew up, I started noticing some gaps, gaps in parenting and education in general. I see those gaps almost everywhere, which means society failed to fill them.

In this article, I will mention those gaps, and the solution that I see is proper in the form of tips/advice.


Wherever at school or home, they don’t tell you why you should do this and that, or why you shouldn’t.

Photo by Qimono on Pixabay

When parents teach something new to their children, they usually don’t explain the reason (or the purpose) behind it. They think that the child will know (or figure it out) as soon as they teach him.

But I wish that was the case; the child is new to this world, this life, his brain is almost empty. To make the child receives and establish the information you give him in his mind, you need to give him a good reason to listen to you.

Otherwise, he will end up following his parents’ guides because he is afraid, or because he lost the skill of analyzing things and started following whatever others say to him, and that’s a problem!
Or he will end up disobeying his parents because he doesn’t see the point in doing what they told him to do.

Before Education

I see some skills are more important than education, or they have priority over education, and I think that those skills help you learn better when you are in the education process.


There are 2 sources of information you can learn from them without checking the info you take, experts and God says.
When an expert in some field gives you any advice or a piece of information, you can “not should/must” take it without reviewing it.
When God says something “through The Holy Quran” or his prophet Mohamad, peace be upon him. Because God is who created you, so he surely knows better.

Photo by Geralt on Pixabay

Otherwise, any other source, your homies in the street, your teacher who pretends to know everything, especially TV and social media, all of them are filled with false information.


Like analyzing, you need to know and be aware of what is happening around you; whatever you see or people say is not necessarily true.

It’s the ability to determine the good from the bad.

Self-awareness also is an important skill. Discover who you are, so you can educate yourself in the correct way that works for you.

Don’t be mad!

If a child did something wrong, you as a teacher or a parent or whatever, don’t give that “mad-face,” it makes you hated (It drives me crazy!).

Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

Instead, try to study the case and figure out why the child did it, and try to find a solution for the problem.

Believe me, you will discover many things you didn’t know before, and you couldn’t before because you are mad for no reason.

Adult Treatment

children love to be valued, appreciated, and treated like adults.

Make sure to give your child some responsibilities, which improves their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Be Open

The world is developing massively, day by day. The world you live in is different from which your children will live.

If you see your child play video games, football, or sitting for a long time in front of the computer…, don’t try to force him to stop.
Instead, discover their world, see the positive things over the negative, and see how you can help him.

Don’t Compare

Comparing to others is a self-confident killer; everybody has different skills, mindset, environment, abilities, and circumstances, even twins in the same family.

Photo by Cherylholt on Pixabay

Instead of comparing a person to another, compare a person to himself, before and after a certain period of time.

Here you can judge; if he improved, you reward him. If not, help him improve and get better.

Be A Good Example

If you always urge your son to work out or read books, but you always sit in front of the TV and eat unhealthy food, you are absolutely unconvincing.

But if you do what you tell your son to do, it feels like advice instead of command. Now you made your mission way easier and more convincing.

