My Creativity Is Like a Black Hole, Producing Flowers

Let me explain what I mean and why we need more of this in business innovation

Desiree Driesenaar
Age of Awareness


The flowers of tropical dragonfruit open in the dark, cool night time to be pollinated by moths. In the heat of the day, they hang listlessly on the cactus. The photo was taken on Bali, Indonesia by Desiree Driesenaar.

Creativity is a tricky thing. How do you write your articles? With your rational mind only? If so, they will most probably not be your most creative work.

Well, I’ve found another way. After a lifetime of functioning in a mainly rational way, I discovered a new way to be. Before, I worked in business management, high-tech, and communication. It’s not as if I was never creative back then.

But it was staying at the edge. Showing its face around the corners of my rational explanations now and then. But real productive creativity? Nah, I couldn’t call it that…

Since around 2012, my life has turned a different direction. I trained my heart and my intuition. And I’m much more present. Alert. Alive. In contact with other people. Listening deeply. Observing. And these skills definitely affect my creativity and productivity.

Recently, the image came to me. My creativity is like a black hole producing flowers. Strange image. But the more I thought about it rationally, the more I understood that it’s true. Let me explain.

What’s a black hole?

