No, Climate Change did not stop due to COVID-19

Despite getting almost no coverage by the media, climate change is still an ongoing issue.

Djaro Donk
Age of Awareness


Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

COVID-19 is an ongoing crisis, and it has completely occupied the media because of that. News organizations, like any other business, need to earn money, and next to nothing sells better than stories about a potentially deadly virus spreading around in your neighbourhood. Because of this, only stories centered around COVID-19 are being published, which has lead many to believe other news stopped happening. The media doesn’t cover climate change, so many assume it must have stopped. This, however, is not true in the slightest.

Climate change does not pause because of a virus. Based on current predictions, 2020 will be one of the worst years in history in terms of climate change-related disasters. Because of this, I compiled a list of climate-related news you might have missed.

Warmest Year in History

Based on the first three months of temperature data, 2020 is now on pace to become the new warmest year in recorded history. Unofficial NASA estimates give a ~60% chance of this year being the hottest year in recorded history, and the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) gives an even higher probability of this…

