One Hour Morning Routine in Hard Times

How To Face Tough Time in Your Life

Nabeel Ahmed
Age of Awareness
6 min readMar 20, 2021


So a couple years back I was reading this article by a guy named James Altucher and the article was called how would it be the luckiest guy on the planet.

Now James talked about this period and these cycles of his life where he had made millions of dollars lost million dollars. He had got married and gotten divorced.

He just described these cyclical failures these wins and these losses that ultimately pushed him to almost suicide. He talked about at those lowest moments he would begin doing this daily practice that kind of saved his life and eventually after a couple years he would get back to this spot where life was freaking amazing again.

Photo by Veri Ivanova on Unsplash

So I decided why don’t I come up with my own version of this ritual in this Story I want to share what I think is this incredible one-hour morning routine for tough times.

So I’m pretty lazy when it comes to morning routines. I do something very brief every day and frequently an evening routine that’s very brief. But there are some phases of life for me that typically are transitions whether it’s related to death University ending moving cities the end of a relationship all of these things can be pretty tough for me.

In those time periods and at those moments where I notice myself get internally a little bit wonky where:

I’m not as excited about the future I don’t really want to do much.

I’m definitely not motivated and I tend not to sleep well or I tend not to want to go to bed.

Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

In these times that I really extend my morning routine to do an hour long in the morning and if it’s really bad an hour long in the evening.

So I want to walk you through my one-hour morning routine and why it’s so powerful.

So the big idea behind this morning routine an evening routine is that you book and your days for deliberately plotting out your life.

So Book end meaning at the beginning and the evening and the point is you start your day off clear focus clear intent and clearly feeling elevated emotions.

Before going to bed which is often a difficult time for a lot of people you do the same exact thing.

So your Book ending your days to start right and Right you sleep well as well now the big overlook are the overview of this routine is simple it’s:

  • 20 min
  • 10 min
  • 10 min
  • 20 min

▶️ The first 20 minutes — I do something that elevates my heart rate like Qi gong or moderate yoga or even just going outside and going for a walk.

▶️ The first ten-minute block is for goal review — So I actually plot out the things I want to have happen in my life right now the best case scenario focusing on what I want versus what I don’t want.

▶️ The third is 10 minutes of journaling — During this journaling I’m just writing out frustrations things that make me unhappy and then :

I revisit again what I want to have happen in this case rather than what I’m afraid of.

▶️ The final 20 minutes — Self growth or spiritual material.

Summary of Every Step Formula

First Phase ⏬⏬⏬

So these days I like to refer to the book the game of life and how to play it so the first thing is for me Qi gong.

The reason why I start this off is because in the morning for most people. I think they’re a little bit groggy and you may not be in a great mood or excited to start your day especially if it’s one of those life phases that I’m talking about right here.

You know if you’re experiencing the death of your dad or your mom or you just went through the worst breakup of your life you probably don’t want to do that much.

But you still have to get up and face each day and for me there’s a big palpable difference in the morning before I do Qi gong or go for a walk outside and after and that by itself forcing myself to do that gives me enough wakefulness and changes my mood enough.

That I’m ready for Phase two.⏬⏬⏬

The second phase review my goals is incredibly important because during these phases of life it’s so difficult not to focus on what you don’t want. It’s so difficult to not focus on the great person you just think you lost in your life or your mom or your dad but you’re never going to see again or this anxiety or depression that you can’t shake for six months nine months your whole life.

Photo by Alexa Williams on Unsplash

So it’s easy to start your day with the record loop just that loop of negativity playing but when you start it with goal-setting you review your goals. All you’re doing to your mind is they’re saying I want you to focus on this this is what I want to happen not these fears and these thoughts so you are becoming the director of your life you are scripting your life story.

3rd Phase ⏬⏬⏬

The third thing journaling is incredibly useful for me because especially before bed if I’m finding that like after going through a bad breakup. I have a hard time sleeping. I also have a hard time just going into bed. I just don’t want to go to sleep and I find that journaling and just brain dumping everything out everything even if you’re a broken record.

It’s the same crap every single day for a year then that’s what your subconscious and your emotion just your whole psycho emotional state needs to get out.

So journaling that in the evening is a great way to dump and hit the clear button for tomorrow and you can sleep. In the morning it’s a great way to also push the purge button and begin the day fresh completely fresh and then begin scripting what you want.

Credit : Author

Last Phase ⏬⏬⏬

So the last thing the self growth our spiritual material for me is absolutely essential and the primary reason is that given no information unless you’re an enlightened being our mind tends to default to fears and frustrations and negativity. So I find that when I review spiritual material or self growth material in the morning in the evening it puts me in a state of mind that can only be described as everything is gonna be okay.

Whatever material you need to read to feel that emotion is what I would put here now for me. I like to go through a course in miracles’ marianne williamson the game of life and how to play it by Florence Shin or any other number of materials that makes me feel like things are gonna be fine there was a reason that happened I may never know hit chances are I will know it years from now.

But right now I just need to focus on the feeling of everything’s fine it may take a long time to feel like that truly and believe it but it’s okay.

Because that produces such a feeling of peace then you can get through your day and you can do it before bed and go to bed at peace and sleep well so the next day you’re not repeating this negative cycle.

Final Words:

So that is the four step morning routine and no joke if things are really bad I do that two hours a day once in the morning once in the evening but you could just as easily convince this into a 20-minute in the morning 20 minute anything or or anything in between.

But I hope that helps you it’s like really is a go-to practice for me when things have just not been going well or when I know I’m about to go into a transition move cities graduate from school break up whatever it is I begin doing that proactively when I see it coming so I know I’m anchoring myself down.

I hope that helps try that out let me know how it goes for you.



Nabeel Ahmed
Age of Awareness

Nabeel here’s Love to write to inspire my Readers