Our Children Are Not Pawns for Your Agenda

The debate over in-person learning has come largely at the expense of certain demographics & the message does more harm than help.

Ja'Juan Burrell
Age of Awareness


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This originally started as an open letter to my Governor, Lawrence J. Hogan. While my focus, as well as this piece, has shifted to a need for us to reimagine education in this country as a whole, I still use much of my data & sources from the state of Maryland for support.

The reality is, it is not just in Maryland, but everywhere in the U.S. that education is not treated with the seriousness & total care for our youth that it rightfully deserves. Hopefully, this empowers others to look beneath the surface & call out any inequities, wherever they may reside.

Our kids cannot wait.

This article was also published to my Substack: https:/edactivist.substack.com

There is a war brewing between adults of different titles over in-person learning during a pandemic, and children have become the weapon of choice.

Cries have poured out to “reopen schools” as if education in America has gone into hibernation. While many brick-and-mortar buildings did close, “school” never did, instead resorting to fully virtual and hybrid models in…



Ja'Juan Burrell
Age of Awareness

Educator (EdActivist). Christian. Coach. Musician. Advocate. Knowledge chaser. Overbooked. I write a little, too.