Paint And March All You Want, My White Friends: Here’s How to REALLY Make a Difference

Nice People Gave Me Breaks Along the Way. I Wish They Hadn’t.

Eli Pacheco
Age of Awareness


Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash

I know you mean well.

And I know that no matter how hard we try, or how easily we just get along and meld with each other, in school, at work, as couples, as friends … we will always have fundamental differences.

Our people are just in different places, although we can also easily find common ground.

Still, though, sometimes the things you white people do get on our nerves.

Let’s Start With a Little Background

I’m a Hispanic man who was raised in a white neighborhood. Now, I’m a Hispanic man who raises his daughters in a black neighborhood. And really, there’s not a lot of difference.

When I was young, kids didn’t like me. I was the only Hispanic kid on the block. And the new kid. Also, when they built our house and fenced in the yard, it took away the neighborhood baseball diamond.

So right there, I was off on the wrong foot.

The called me beaner and I called them honky. We fought a little, but also sometimes played.



Eli Pacheco
Age of Awareness

Coach, father, writer — sometimes all at once. Writes content for the 💸 by day, writes blogs for the 😍 by night.