Practicing Self-Control in Isolation With Your Housemates

La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
Age of Awareness
Published in
6 min readApr 6, 2020


7 ways to exercise self-control in relationships and close quarters

If you’re in isolation like the 90 percent of us, then you have been character building in some way shape or form, and possibly in more ways than one.

These self-improvements can be permanent, positive changes while this situation is not forever. This is a new normal for now (that can have lasting effect).

If you’re by yourself, you have the dilemma to figure out how to kill the boredom. You can exercise self-control from doing harmful activities because you have no one to be responsible to, except virtually yourself.

Or, you’re in the boat like many of us, living with others. Then you can be working on your self-control with the people you’re in isolation with. Whether it’s your partner, family, or roommates.

You can find yourself feeling more anger or anxiety than usual around people, learning about how to handle yourself in closed quarters.

With housemates, you’re probably either having less conversations… or more than usual. They’re likely quality conversations with compassion for what’s going on around the world. You may know your optimism or negativity will lead your day. And the people around you. As your (and their) energy lingers.



La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
Age of Awareness

Brandy is an inspired writer giving helpful advice for an extraordinary life full of balance, success, and daily joy. Blog: