Prioritize Deeper Learning; Don’t Fall Into The Jack-Of-All-Trades Trap

How to elevate your learning and tap into mastery

Destiny S. Harris
Age of Awareness


Photo Credit: Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio

Knowing A Little Bit of Everything Is Not Useful.

Someone once told me they were a jack of all trades. At the time, I thought it was valuable to know a bit of everything, but I could also name at least three things this person was really good at and could become better at (reaching potential mastery) if they invested more focus time into them.

That’s the thing: we often don’t become more educated on one thing, and if we do, it’s still only surface knowledge. Most never experience extensive knowledge, mastery, or above-average expertise in any subject.

Hence, our conversations, knowledge, and execution are often suboptimal. For example, most doctors are good or average at their jobs; few are exceptional or legendary.

If you want to understand a subject thoroughly, push for deeper learning.

The Danger Of Skimming And Scanning.

In schools, we’re taught to skim and scan our textbooks to prepare for exams and pop quizzes and complete our homework assignments. Consequently, we memorize a bunch of random facts instead of learning the purpose…

