Private Jets And Coffee

Michael Nabert
Age of Awareness
Published in
6 min readJan 22, 2022


Say farewell to your simple pleasures.

This photo came from Pexels

I’ve never flown on a private jet, and I will certainly never own one. I’m totally okay with that. My ambitions are less materialistic. But we take the distribution of private jet travel as a given: to the obscenely wealthy, the private jet is normal, and to the rest of us, it’s utterly unobtainable.

It’s clearly not practical for everyone to have a private jet. If we somehow mass produced them for half the population, emissions would be gargantuan.I’d personally prefer that we used those resources to get people with urgent skills and knowledge where they are most needed for the betterment of our civilization. Quality mobile response for natural disasters would be better use for it than fulfilling the idle whims of a sociopathic plutocracy. Sadly, that isn’t on the table.

When there’s only so much private jet travel to go around, we let the super rich have it, and the rest do without. That’s our civilizational norm.

At least there are other, smaller luxuries that most of us can access. Like a great cup of coffee.

We seriously love our coffee.

For most of human history, having a foodstuff that can only be grown in distant regions of the world transported many thousands of miles to provide you…



Michael Nabert
Age of Awareness

Researching a road map from our imperilled world into one with a livable future with as much good humour as I can muster along the way.