Productivity Principles

Productivity Principles You Missed Regardless of Your Profession

#5 will make you think and re-evaluate yourself

Priyash Sachdeva
Age of Awareness


Photo by fauxels from Pexels

“Have you ever thought that running a marathon or coding marathon have anything in common? Or creating music and designing architecture require different efforts?”

Even though all these endeavors seem completely unrelated and we perceive them as different professions, there is a huge overlap between them.

The amount of hard work and persistence that goes into being successful does not vary. Be it a chef or a football player, scientist, or an artist, we can achieve high-level performance with a similar effort.

Performance is performance, it does not ask your profession.

Here are 5 timeless productivity principles that you can use anywhere regardless of the profession you are in.

#1 Be a part of a Diverse Group

This is one of the first principles that everyone forgets. In general, we try to be with those people whom we like and with whom we feel compatible. That is good. There is nothing wrong with it.

However, you should always try to find people with whom you can also learn, who know something that you don’t. Seek for those diverse people who bring a different and fresh perspective.

“It’s taken years, but part of my own personal growth has involved deciding that I can learn something from even the most annoying person.” ― Auliq Ice

One of my friends is a nutritionist, one is continuously involved in stock and trading and one is an ardent book reader. Discussion with each of them is extremely motivating. Because of which, on average I am reading 1 book per month, I am investing in stocks and I know about the benefits of macros.

You cannot be a master of all, but you can learn so much with conversations with so many different people. Embrace the knowledge from the most fun source “People”.

“The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best” — Epictetus

#2 Make Someone Your Inspiration, not Idol

There are many articles about productivity and habits of successful people. And they are great too. However, you cannot just copy-paste those habits into your life.

There is a myth that if you follow the habits of highly successful people then you will be successful.

Yes, those habits could be good and those methods applied by them in their life, worked. But it is not guaranteed to work in your situation.

“For a few people who are successful by developing productive habits, many are unsuccessful in spite of using the same habits,” — Aditya Shukla

You should get inspired by successful people, learn from them but don’t idolize and blindly follow them. Before following any habit, always ask yourself- “ Will it help me in maximizing my efficiency and improving my result?”.

There is huge talk about morning productivity. Wake up at 5 am then exercise, read a book, etc. Until my masters, I especially used to code late-night. I could not wake up early and code with the same concentration.

Even Elon musk used to program late at night. Well, he works in the mornings too. He is my inspiration though, however, it’s not necessary that I would do whatever he said or did.

Don’t emulate all the habits and productivity approaches, instead experiment with them. Use and apply the ones that help you and discard the rest.

#3 Focus Where It Is Needed

Source: Article on Investing

Recently I wanted to help my mother in starting her business. She has lived her entire life as a house-maker. However, she started making some plant pots. So I told her, why not sell these on online platforms like Amazon.

Do you know, what is the first thing she asked me “Do I have to talk to many people and that too in English? Do I have to travel and deal with businessmen?

Instead of focusing on how to set up with Amazon or what kind of other plant pots she could make, her focus was on how to deal with people or talk to them in English.

We all do that in most cases. We put our focus on things that are not relevant and are not in our control. Instead of focussing on smaller issues that we can solve at the moment, we get intimidated by the bigger problems.

“You can’t stop the stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass” — Timber Hawkeye

There is a similar example from the life of a war hero which I am sure you are going to enjoy.

Every successful person has mentioned once in their life: “Focus on the things that you have control over” and I am sure, you will consider it too!

#4 Dive into Someone Else’s Mind

Recently while reading “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight and I realized that I am actually able to read Phil Knight’s thoughts. How amazing is this! I can learn from his mistakes, his thinking, his commitments, and his life.

That’s what Reading a book can do to you. In fact, listening to a podcast too. You are actually peeking into someone’s mind and understanding their thoughts, vision, and decisions.

“Books are uniquely portable magic.”
― Stephen King

I am not saying, you should read only biographies or self-help books. Every book, any podcast can transport you to the world which was lived or imagined by someone else.

There is a study that reading books is recommended for mental health patients. The treatment is called “Bibliotherapy” and it claims to help patients with depression or other mood disorders.

Then, why not grab a book, or listen to a podcast, and travel to the world of knowledge, magic, and inspiration. I am sure, you will not regret it!

#5 Follow Purpose Not Passion

According to Google, passion is “ a strong and barely controllable emotion”. Every entrepreneur feels a passion for his or her company. He or she gets an idea and starts feeling motivated. Soon it will be their passion to work on that idea.

And it is good!. You need a passion to start the company.

However, passion for the product or having your own company, will not be the only surviving factor. It can burn out with one failure and hurdle. To help passion keep on burning, the fuel you need is a “purpose

Purpose defines a larger value and meaning for you to complete the job in the best possible way.

I have a passion for cooking and I discovered that when I moved to Germany. However, it does not work every time. Sometimes I am tired or do not feel like cooking. Then, the thing which stays with me is purpose.

My purpose was that I will eat something delicious and enjoy it. Then in such circumstances, I cook with a purpose. Each time, you will achieve your result not by performing your tasks, but by how you frame them.

“Our positions are temporary and will likely change. But our purpose should never really change” — Frank Niles

Whenever you are able to find a passion and connect it to the purpose, you can run miles even with all the hurdles on the way.

Key take away:

  1. Surround yourself with different kinds of people and learn from everyone.
  2. Instead of copying every habit of successful people, emulate the best habits, and throw away the rest of them.
  3. Start with focusing on problems at hand instead of contemplating the future.
  4. Read books and listen to podcasts. Take inspiration and dive into the life of many successful people.
  5. Find the purpose behind your passion. A purpose can help you achieve the life that you are passionate about.



Priyash Sachdeva
Age of Awareness

AI Enthusiast — Aiming to blend gardening and self-development within AI.