Protecting Public School Students
Charter schools with operational deficiencies should not be given space on LAUSD campuses, especially when doing so puts children at risk.
“This requires the board to act in the interests of the 80% of Los Angeles students who attend district schools. You know, the students that you were elected to represent.”
- My reminder to the LAUSD Board
The following are comments presented to the LAUSD Board last week regarding PROP-39 co-locations:
For years the district has told communities fighting off co-locations that there was nothing that could be done to prevent them. PROP-39 was the law of the land and the LAUSD had only two choices: comply and give charter schools the space that they demanded or fight the “request” and end up in court.
The passage of AB-1505 has changed this dynamic. This legislation gives school districts more options. For example, during the authorization period, they…