Results of My 30 Articles in 30 Days Challenge

A Detailed Breakdown & is it Worth it?

Rui Yi Gan
Age of Awareness


My Final Stories Stats

Some Brief Context

I still remember that this whole inspiration came surging after I binged a few hours of youtube videos from my favorite creators. And as I was envying their lifestyle and success, something hit me:

Life won’t change by itself, right?

And that got me thinking and gave me the motivation to not just start the challenge, but also finish it. From my 2 decades of life experience,

I can confidently say that starting something is easy, but finishing it is not.

It takes a momentary spark to feel that surging rush of adrenaline to say yes to opportunity. But it takes immense willpower to convince yourself that what you’re doing daily is worth it.


Fortunately, I managed to complete it and here are the results, broken down into three categories:

1) Stories Stats

My Stories Stats (Before the Challenge)



Rui Yi Gan
Age of Awareness

I enjoy writing about life, college, and everything under the sky. Computer Science student in Singapore and a big fan of Conan O'Brien and Rick Riordan.