Revlon is Bringing Clean Beauty to the Masses

More affordable, less hazardous cosmetics for everyone

Heather Morgan
Age of Awareness


Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

Affordable clean beauty products are coming to a store near you, thanks to Revlon. The global makeup giant is the first to release an EWG Verified ™ cosmetic to mass retailers. In a press release yesterday, they unveiled their Photo Ready Prime Plus ™ Perfecting + Smoothing Primer, which was created with intentions of meeting the EWG’s highest standards.

If you’ve read my article, Should You Be Using Clean Beauty Products?, then you’re familiar with the EWG, or the Environmental Working Group and their Skin Deep Database. They’re on a mission to “empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment.” They do this by educating the public about the safety of cosmetic and cleaning products.

With a quick scan of a barcode, you’ll discover what chemicals are lurking in your cosmetics. The EWG’s Skin Deep app is simple and fun to use. It details what ingredients are in your products, along with a hazard rating.

Products that earn the EWG Verification must use the least harmful materials along with offering full transparency of ingredients. Particularly, the transparency of ingredients is important. Hiding toxic ingredients on labels through “fragrance” is suspicious to the savvy buyer. Why…



Heather Morgan
Age of Awareness

I’m a writer who is niche-resistant, but I often write about self improvement, professional development, spirituality, and whatever else catches my attention.