Robotic Process Automation An Overview

Education Unbound
Age of Awareness
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2018

I am here today talking little about some of the advancements in robotic automation. Because for some of us this opportunity is going to mean a big performance improvement. And for some of this, this opportunity is going to be a very large threat.

So again, I think a lot of people on here to different ideas as we go through this today.

But specifically, in manufacturing, when I say the word automation. I think everyone’s mind goes to this stuff.

They think about automation on the factory floor in the logistics operation autonomous vehicles.

All those things that are coming in and continue to mature and of course are transforming our business. But these are not the forms of automation that I want to talk about today specifically. I want to talk about automation of the knowledge worker now.

This term knowledge workers really a very broad term and what it specifically applies to are those folks in your organization today that spanned almost all their time in the digital domain.

Now we’re in that when they’re in that digital world there primarily doing a few different things — One they’re executing and running all your processes number and second, they tend to be extracting data building reports running analytics making decisions that ultimately become transactions are actions in your business.

And they also spend you know a large portion you know of their time solving issues fighting fires. Whether those fires are with your suppliers with your customers are certainly in the four walls your factory. So, in simple terms that’s who this knowledge worker is now up until this point. They have largely avoided automation because of the complexity of the tasks that they do the knowledge worker has to access and log on to lots of different systems. To get to these decisions process lots of data often take me oftentimes making decisions that have a subjective nature to them, but today’s technology has changed all of that.

I know when I describe this type of automation there’s a picture that I think most of us tend to get in our head get in our heads around what this looks like.

But I can guarantee you the automation of the knowledge worker does not look like.

This matter fact automation the knowledge workers not physical at all it’s done by software. There’s a couple unique things about these new software packages that that have really come into fruition recently.

The first one is the software runs in your user interface environment of your I. T. architecture. What does that mean just like a human log in an access is lots of things from the desktop to their computer that’s where the software runs.

The second thing that’s unique about the software isn’t developed in like typical coding applications that most of us are used to in the software.

You trained bots and what that means is you can train them in a very highly customized fashion to the way you run your business. Its not coming out of the box pre-configured pre-coded you really get the flexibility to build them the way you need to run your process. Which is the way you execute your transactions. And the way you want to see your data.

And, the third thing about these boxes they sit on pram and since they act in mimic. What a user does they have to follow all the same security guidelines that your information technology outside of the house. Which is already built in so there aren’t a lot of big security issues when you go to implement these software’s.



Education Unbound
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