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Should The U.S. Reopen The Economy So Soon?

Contrary to what some believe reopening the economy will not allow us to return to our old way of life.

Age of Awareness
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2020


We can open the stores, but that doesn’t mean people will suddenly run to spend their money.

In conversations with people, it’s become clear that there is an increasing awareness of what is truly essential in our lives and what we’ve been conditioned to believe we need.

Hence, for those businesses that deal with non-essential goods and services, it will be difficult to continue to sustain themselves once we do reopen the economy.

Nevertheless, the government will continue to encourage consumerism in spite of the general fear, instability, and uncertainty of our financial future.

But for those whos businesses will prove unsustainable, perhaps this is an opportunity to learn the professional skills of the future.

Think about the fundamental shift that occurred with the development of the world wide web. This form of connection has led to a vast number of jobs and work opportunities.

Well, we are now in the heart of another fundamental shift — the development of the interdependence of human society.

And those that will learn about this interdependence and how to realize it in a positive manner will become a great asset to society.

Similar to today’s experts in internet technology, those that will take upon themselves to learn the skills of the future will have no problem covering their needs.

Because those that will lead humanity forward towards positive connection in society will be in very high demand.

So instead of trying to salvage old business models, maybe governments should focus on adapting to the changing world.

Instead of measuring success with wealth, how about we measure it by our ability to create a meaningful life through developing increasingly positive connections.

In such a world, our focus would be on creating sustainable societies where the essential needs of every one were covered in exchange for their participation in building the new society based on values of mutual responsibility, consideration, and collaboration.



Age of Awareness

Educator, musical artist, and father studying integral and natural systems for over 10 years.