Social Dilemma on Netflix — How to Prevent Addiction for Youngsters?

We are being used big time. How can we prevent addiction?

Desiree Driesenaar
Age of Awareness
Published in
9 min readSep 24, 2020


Picture credit: Pikist

“If you don’t pay for the product, YOU are the product”

— Tristan Harris

We already know nothing in our broken-down world is for free. And the things that are for free are not appreciated by us. It’s the price we pay for having broken down our world. How do we live with that?

In this story, I will tell you about the messy reality of social media as brought to you by the Netflix documentary Social Dilemma. And I will share the medicine I use in my life to stay awake and prevent addiction.

And how I share it with the children around me.

Manipulation and Addiction

Recently, I read a Dutch story on about Social Dilemma. And gosh, it paints a scary picture of life. Real-life. That’s the scariest of all.

What’s happening?

The Netflix documentary Social Dilemma puts its finger on a giant sore spot. We are being used big time. We are manipulated into becoming addicted.

