Sometimes, What’s Good For You Is Not Good For Me

It’s ok to be different.

Megan Minutillo
Age of Awareness


Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

If I learned anything from my years in the classroom, it’s this: sometimes, what’s good for one child isn’t good for another.

Not everyone learns the same way, or loves the same way, or thinks the same way.

Not everyone goes back to a home that reads to them at night, values education or cares about what is happening in the classroom.

Not everyone will be good at math, and not everyone will enjoy music; not everyone will want to create stories and paint pictures and learn about history.

Understanding differences is an easy concept to accept in a classroom, and yet, we forget about it when we leave the doors of our school. But what would our world be like if we remembered this? What would our communities be like? Our workplace be like? Our relationships and friendships and families?

Would we be kinder to one another? Would we embrace one another without judgment or hesitation, or fear? Would we learn from one another more? And listen to one another more? And love one another without pretense?



Megan Minutillo
Age of Awareness

Essayist, poet, and theatre producer. I write stories about self-awareness, IVF, and finding your footing in life’s messy moments. Instagram: @meganminutillo.