Star Jasmine Growing Conditions and Caring Tips (Learn From My Experience)

Parth Mayn
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2022

Getting blooms after growing flowering vines successively in containers proffers such a proud feeling!

In this small article, I will share my story of growing Star jasmine in a container.

Back in April 2021, I brought one Star Jasmine plant home, but unfortunately, the plant died just after a few weeks of its repotting in another container.

The major reason behind this was that it couldn’t survive the high temperature at my place. Also, I placed the plant directly under full sunlight, and this also affected my plant adversely.

No doubt this plant loves good sunlight to grow well, but placing it directly under the full sun during the hot days of April month was my biggest blunder. Besides, I had completely neglected the term known as “transplantation shock”. Because of these faults, my plant couldn’t do well and gave up eventually.

Monsoon Season 2021

Photo by Mike Kotsch on Unsplash

In the monsoon season, I thought of giving it another try of growing star jasmine at my place. And, trust me, the day I planted it at my place, I could see it growing each day and I was extremely happy because I was afraid that I may not end up losing another star jasmine.

From that day, I made up my mind that I will never do any repotting work in the month of April. My experience says that the best months for repotting your plants should be the spring season or rainy months.

Winter Months 2021

Photo by eartharchive on Unsplash

The growth was still but I didn’t see any leaves defoliation on my Star jasmine.

Looks like Star Jasmine vine is cold-tolerant too!

Spring Month 2022

On February 25, 2022, I saw it sending out new shoots and the entire plant looked good after the winter months.

March 11, 2022

The plant’s health looked quite good and also it started producing flowers bud.

Growing Conditions of Star Jasmine

The basic growing requisites of Star Jasmine vine are enlisted below:


Photo by Matti Johnson on Unsplash

This is absolutely a sun-loving plant, I kept it under full sunlight and it was receiving 5 to 6 hours of sun daily. But after learning from my mistake, I would advise, if you are planning to repot this plant in the summer months when the temperature goes really high, then you must let it settle in the new container and soil and then move it gradually from partial shade to full sun. Placing it directly under the sun after repotting may have bad consequences.

Water Requirements

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Water only when the top inch of soil becomes dry. Water this plant more often during extremely hot or dry periods, but allow the soil to dry between watering.

Soil Type

Photo by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash

Considering the soil type which I have used to grow my star jasmine, the soil comprises 60% Garden soil and the rest 40% compost. Also, 50% Garden soil 30% compost, and rest 20% sand or perlite will work too. You can also use sand instead of perlite. The main motive is to provide a moist and well-drained soil.

NOTE: There is one more important thing about Star Jasmine that will clear your 99% doubts about this plant.

The scientific name of the Star Jasmine is Trachelospermum Jasminoedes and it belongs to the same family as other plants like oleander, plumeria, adenium, and vinca belong too. I hope you have now gained a good deal of knowledge about the star jasmine plant.

Also, just like oleander, star jasmine too releases white milky sap which could be poisonous. So it is advisable to wash your hands properly after you are done working on this plant.

I have tried covering each and everything about the Star Jasmine vine in detail. I have also posted a video regarding the same on youtube, and you can watch the video here.

If you like watching gardening videos then you must subscribe to my gardening channel on YouTube.



Parth Mayn
Age of Awareness

Terrace Gardener🌱 Blogger✍🏻 Deeply obliged to mother Earth, a plant influencer and a nature lover.