Study Yourself

The hardest book yet.

Evans Okoro
Age of Awareness
1 min readMar 3, 2021


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Despite every self-help content you consume on the internet, if you don’t know yourself well enough, you can’t easily make them your reality.

This ranges from increasing your productivity, learning new skills, and even making money. Learning who you are, first of all, is how you can achieve your goals.

Because what works for one person will surely not work for another. That’s the way we were created. And that’s the way it will always be.

Everyone needs time for serious reflection. When you can do this well enough, you discover that person in you. You build a relationship with it, and it will show you who you are.

This is one way to live a more fulfilled life because this time, you now know what suits your personality. And thus, it will stop you from jumping through hoops. Doing things that don’t necessarily suit you.

So, if you want to win, as Socrates said, Know thyself.

Thank you for reading

