Supporting your Child when they Receive their Exam Results

As an ex-teacher, I know from school university counsellors that admissions officers are open to listening to and accepting students who have narrowly missed out on their offer. Encourage your child to phone their first-choice universities and be persuasive.

Sally Flint
Age of Awareness


Girl looking at laptop
Don’t go it alone. Seek help from school and university college advisors when accessing results. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

It is always a stressful time when your child gets their exam results. The big question is whether they will receive the grades they require to be accepted at the university of their choice or onto other vocational courses they have applied to. This year is exceptionally difficult. The ‘corona cohort’ of students have had a tough few months, unsure of expectations for their final months at school and unknowing of what the future might bring.

Feeling Adrift amidst Uncertain Futures

Not knowing if university is even an option and whether the university experience will be a profitable route to follow is hugely unsettling.

It is easy to underestimate the impact that the uncertainty brought by ‘corona virus’ has had on teenagers. They are only young, yet their lives are big. They are looking ahead to an uncertain future, and…



Sally Flint
Age of Awareness

Blogger, freelance article writer and children’s author. Lover of reading and forever learning.