Surviving, Perhaps Thriving, in a Corporatocracy

Full disclosure — tips plus rants.

Glen Hendrix
Age of Awareness


The corporate state of America constantly intimates and would like you to believe that you are what you’re worth. Your value is a direct corollary of your bank account balance or stock holdings. They go on to specify that if you’re not worth all that much, you can make up for it by using the money you do have to buy their stuff, providing you an illusion of worth. But in that case you’re only as good as that last expensive thing you bought to let people know you’ve arrived, you belong, you’re as good as— no — better than the rest.

Corporations pitch this to you constantly to get you to give them your money. Some would say it’s just advertising, but much of it is sophisticated psychological propaganda pieces targeting specific demographics. Even if their subject matter is basically factual (and many times it is not), the presentation is psychologically constructed to subconsciously reel you in. At the least they can be ambiguous, and at the worst they are outright lies. Corporations have already paid the government for monopolies and favorable tax laws to get a lot of your money, but they want you to willingly sacrifice the rest of what you have so that you’ll feel better about yourself, more people will love you, you’ll fit in, you’ll have beauty and safety and friends and…

