Tasmanian Tiger or Marsupial Wolf?

Thylacinus cynocephalus extinct or extant?

Peter Miles
Age of Awareness


Thylacine family at Beaumaris Zoo in Hobart, 1910. Image — National Archives of Australia.

The last known Thylacinus cynocephalus Tasmanian tiger, Marsupial wolf or Thylacine, died in captivity in 1936 in a Tasmanian zoo; since then many sightings of the marsupial have been made, unfortunately without any clear photographs, clear paw footprints or even carcasses from road kill; but the species was once common enough to be a problem for graziers and predation of their sheep in Tasmania, such that from 1886 to 1908 bounties of £1 per adult tiger were established, generally the equivalent of one weeks wages, making a dead Tasmanian tiger quite valuable.

Artist restoration of a Thylacine. Image — Tim Bertelink. Wikimedia.Commons

One of the first reports about the Tasmanian tiger by European settlers was in the Sydney Gazette in 1805, “An animal of a truly singular and nouvel [sic] description was killed by dogs the 30th of March on a hill immediately contiguous to the settlement at Yorkton Port Dalrymple; from the following minute description of which, by Lieutenant Governor Paterson, it must be considered of a species perfectly distinct from any of the animal creation hitherto known, and certainly the only powerful and terrific of the carnivorous and voracious tribe yet discovered on any



Peter Miles
Age of Awareness

45 years in Environmental Science, B.Env.Sc. in Wildlife & Conservation Biology. Writes on Animals, Plants, Soil & Climate Change. environmentalsciencepro.com