Teaching PE Online

Key Considerations For Intent, Implementation And Impact

Lewis Keens
Age of Awareness


As the UK enters another national lockdown and schools close, some international schools have been delivering lessons virtually for almost a full calendar year.

Having ‘pivoted’ and ‘adapted’ (everyone’s new favourite words) across three different countries in varying forms of online learning since March 2020, the recent break has allowed us to reflect upon what we have learned so far. Here we identify some ideas, tips and advice that might help you deliver high-quality PE online.

Panning For Gold

Everybody is looking for that perfect online PE curriculum that demonstrates intent, implementation and impact — something that is solid gold! We all want eye-catching resources that will engage students, keep them fit and active whilst trying to keep the “E in PE”. We want to provide meaningful learning with relevant assessment tasks and opportunities for students to direct their own learning; we all want to do our best for our students.

Having to plan and deliver online learning may make you feel anxious and threatened; a glance at social media will leave you in a complete spin. There is such a vast array of excellent resources out there that can really help you, but the thought of sifting through so much information causes feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt and worry. Learning how to load up your pan, give it a shake and find the precious content you need whilst ignoring the rest is…

