Thank You for the Opportunity

Everyone needs to start somewhere

Sandy Gold
Age of Awareness


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

I recently held end of the year reflection meetings with each teacher that I supervise.

Over a period of four weeks, each early childhood teacher had been asked to reflect on a series of targeted questions. We wanted the process to be a meaningful one and we know that it isn’t always easy for someone to talk about themselves.

Yet we really wanted to know about when they saw themselves shining.

We wanted to hear from them about colleagues that they valued.

We hoped they would set realistic and attainable goals for themselves moving forward.

I then spent hours writing letters to each teacher, highlighting all of the successes they had during the year and why they were an asset to our school. Delicately, I suggested areas of growth that would help each teacher grow stronger.

I wrote, read, reread, edited, obsessed and finally hit send on each document.

And then the meetings began.

Each one began the same way.

Without fail, the teacher sat down and thanked me for the kind words. They said how much they appreciated being seen. They thanked me for taking the time to document their hard work.



Sandy Gold
Age of Awareness

I’m an educator, an advocate for inclusion, an avid reader, and a mother struggling to adjust to being an empty nester. IG:@sandygoldcoaching