The #1 Roadblock For Motivated People

Geoff Hughes
Age of Awareness
Published in
6 min readJun 8, 2020

What’s the #1 roadblock that keeps motivated people from reaching their goals?

Does this sound like you? You’re motivated. You hustle. You study. Sure, maybe you could be a little more consistent, but you keep showing up when others have already quit.

So, why aren’t you further along already?

The #1 reason motivated people get stuck is because they don’t have a clear and compelling vision for their life and an environment to support it.

I’m not talking about daydreaming about it. I’m talking about intentionally creating your vision and living it every day. I’m talking about knowing WHY you want what you say you want.

Because here’s the thing…

Most of us take our lives for granted. We never stop to think about how we will feel at the end of our lives.

Here’s what I want you to do.

Imagine yourself at the end of your life. Imagine the way you would want to have lived. Imagine how you want to be remembered. Imagine what would be important to you, which achievements you’d want to see.

Now, create your vision from that. Starting with the end in mind, what’s important to you? How do you want to live? What do you want to achieve? How do you want to be remembered?

Once you create your vision, stay laser-focused on creating an environment that will get you there.

1. Focus On Nurturing Your Vision

There is an age-old debate about what most influences a person’s personality. It’s a balance between nature vs. nurture. Nature refers to the traits and qualities that we are born with. Nurture refers to everything that surrounds us once we are born. When it comes to finding success and alignment in your life, nurture is the side to focus on.

You can change your environment. You can change the books, podcasts, and media you consume. You can nurture yourself in a different way. You can love yourself. You can prioritize your needs and worthiness of profound care.

One of the best ways that I’ve nurtured my growth is by investing in my personal development. I’ve easily invested over $1M in coaching, masterminds, training programs, mindset work, and other growth tools. All of this has been my greatest investment, without a doubt. It allowed me to catapult my life beyond when I imagined was possible.

You are always your greatest investment. Your time, energy, and yes, money are always best invested in your growth and development. Choose a book over television. Choose a workout over watching a hockey game. Choose a coaching program over a new car. Your future self will thank you for nurturing your growth now.

Look for opportunities to nurture yourself and your success.

2. Choose The People Around You

Anyone chasing their dreams or any kind of goal will encounter doubters at some point. They are often referred to as haters or distractions. There are many words for these people in our lives.

At the beginning stages of your journey, they were likely your friends or even family members. It can also be people who comment on things you posted online.

Sometimes, distracting people remind me of Agent Smith from The Matrix — he could be anyone, anywhere, anytime. Just when you least expect it, anyone can turn into a distraction.

This energy is toxic to be around. Picking up on negative energy can cause you to lose sight of your goals if you allow it. We become like the people that we spend our time with.

It is necessary to set boundaries with people who don’t share the same goals as you. To be dedicated to a dream or a vision means that you must hold that vision. Yes, it is possible to align yourself with people and even romantic partners who will support you. Yet, at the end of the day, your vision will always be YOURS.

Nobody else sees the world through your eyes. Nobody sees what you see. Nobody else can create your vision. You were born to make a difference. You are here for a purpose.

You must protect that vision. Distracting people can make it cloudy.

I always think back to the famous quote by Jim Rohn that goes something like, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, and that means everyone in your life counts.”


The first step to finding the people who will support you the most. You can make a list of all of these people. You can also just pause for a moment and think of the people who first come to mind. Your intuition already knows what’s best for you. If you pause and meditate on this thought for a short while, some names will come up.

You must keep your vision in mind and get real with yourself. Many people are not even aware of their own goals and are not capable of seeing your goals. There is also energy behind these interactions. If you meet someone who genuinely wants to help you see your visions come into reality, it will be a different connection. Trust your intuition.

3. Align Your Physical Environment

Once you settle on an environment that will allow you to expand into the best version of yourself, you can set your sights on maximizing the space.

In your physical environment, you have the opportunity to create a space that reflects you. Don’t underestimate the power of your physical space for your growth. Creating a clean space with inspiring visuals can improve creativity, problem-solving, and performance. Try crafting and posting vision boards to keep your vision in your literal vision most of the time.

It doesn’t matter what your environment looks like as long as it feels like YOU. You don’t have to spend money on decor to make a space feel clean, calm, and inviting.

I have experimented with many different layouts and designs in my home, workspaces, and even workout spaces. When I want to sit down and work, I want my place to feel like it will enhance my productivity. When I want to relax or spend time with friends or family, I want my place to seem relaxing and peaceful. When I want to workout, I want my gym space to be a place of energy, endurance, and motivation. Your physical environment can set the tone for what you are about to do.

Sometimes a physical change can support all of the mental growing and changing you are doing. Trying rearranging your furniture and the other belongings in your space occasionally. You can always move things back.

Just like in many areas of life, a refresher can be inspiring just in itself. Take some time and look at your environment. Especially those spaces that you find yourself around the most, and also your workspaces. Notice what hasn’t been moved in a while. These are areas to make a change. Even if you choose to move things back, it’s an exercise in practicing change and adaptability, which have endless applications.

In general, take special care of your physical environment. Keep it clean and look for ways to align the energy of a room with its chosen purpose.

Final Thoughts

You have control over your reality and your destiny. You are the only one who can create a vision for your future and live it with intention. You can take action to maximize the people and environments in your life to move forward toward your vision every day.

With absolute clarity of your vision, all obstacles will fall to the wayside as long as you remain consistent and persistent in your dreams.

You can do anything you set your mind to, so what are you going to do today?

