The 3 Hobbies Everyone Should Have

One to keep you creative, one to keep you fit and one to make you money

Lu Mar
Age of Awareness


Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels

As a huge proponent of hobbies, it must be said, not all hobbies are created equally, and not all serve the same purpose. Nonetheless, I believe everyone should have at least three hobbies, with one in each of the following categories:

  • One to keep you creative
  • One to keep you fit
  • One to make you money

This all works best when there is no overlap, really try to find and nurture three separate hobbies. A personal favourite way to describe a hobby is the oxymoronic “productive leisure.” Being productive in the three realms of finance, fitness and creativity covers such a breadth of your life and therefore covers many bases for self-improvement.


I am a firm believer that you need a life outside of your 9–5. Whether that is school or work, your identity needs to extend past that. Your identity is most definitely made up (in part) of your hobbies and is, therefore, an excellent way to carve a life outside of your 9–5.

“ Although we can’t control problems at work or make those bills disappear, we can take charge of our mental



Lu Mar
Age of Awareness

English Literature and History Graduate living in Oxford and working in Motorsport Marketing. Contact me: