The Art of Imparting Knowledge

Age of Awareness
Published in
5 min readSep 5, 2021

Author: Arjun Das

If you have ever heard of the famous proverb ‘ignorance is bliss’, then you must have thought about the need to seek knowledge in case this proverb is considered to be true or valid. Apart from the fact that the aforementioned phrase is incomplete, a noble preacher would always tell us that knowledge gives us the power to understand and distinguish the repercussions of ignorance for any particular scenario. Knowledge helps us decide whether ignorance is a boon, or a bane in disguise.

Our knowledge has undoubtedly helped us reach the place where we are at the moment. An evergreen power that does not easily fade, seeking knowledge must be the most necessary task in our daily lives. If there is a need to seek knowledge, then there must be a giver of knowledge. The very first knowledge givers with whom we interact in our lives are usually our parents. The blank slate that we consider every child to be, is carefully carved and painted by each parent, with full support from all four grandparents as well, as they ensure to be having a caring approach while handling the delicate mind. The morals, values and ethics taught by these six wonderful people is constant and their share of wisdom is highly pertinent for lifetime. The next group of people would have to be our siblings, because if they were not present in our lives, then are we sure if we would have ever properly learnt the essence of ‘sharing is caring’?

In due course of our lives, we meet many brilliant minds and souls who keep the ability to share their knowledge in a comprehensible way. People often associate the manoeuvre of imparting knowledge with a variety of opinions. Some people find fake pretension attached with the way one imparts values or information to them and label it to be a ‘rant’ (try not to correlate this with your very distant relative’s ranting), while others consider it to be an act of nobility and appreciates the person for sharing a piece of their wisdom.

Knowledge opens the door leading to wisdom. Imparting knowledge is not just an art, it is also science. The masters of this art form can create a highly respectable profession for themselves by becoming teachers, professors, or educators. Our primary source of knowledge is from schools, where our teachers make us capable enough to let ourselves get afloat in the ocean of golden opportunities. Their way of imparting knowledge follows a complex, yet systematic combination of teaching and preaching, i.e., not only do they shape our heads but also our hearts. Teaching information for better understanding along with preaching values that lead us to several important revelations, can go a long way to let students be a better individual.

It is said that you must preach what you follow, and you practice what you preach. This one line makes imparting knowledge to be a work of immense responsibility for every teacher as they are supposed to be the example that they wish to teach to their students. The work of an educator is not easy, it is rather quite difficult. Working meticulously every single day is a commendable aspect of any teacher. Even when they need to teach the same set of concepts year after year, their enthusiasm towards teaching any topic never diminishes. A rare attribute that is never found in abundance, patience is the virtue that every teacher has innately present in them. Especially if you have ever been a part of a class having rambunctious, exuberant, and boisterous classmates, then it is sure that your teacher had a higher level of patience to handle the batch.

The power to create a global, responsible citizen bestows in the hands of those who impart knowledge to us. Being an important part of the society themselves, this green job gives teachers the voice to help children foray into their choice of field and forge ahead to be independent individuals of the future. However, there is so much to learn before one can impart. Attaining holistic knowledge is necessary before one can set their feet into the world of preaching. Teachers and professors have so much knowledge with them, and gladly they are always willing to impart all of that to their students.

“They inspire you, they entertain you, and you end up learning a ton even when you don’t know it” –Nicholas Sparks, Dear John

In this global pandemic, the art of imparting knowledge has undergone a drastic evolution. Smarter ways to impart knowledge are introduced and traditional methods of teaching are being replaced in the online mode of education. Although teachers are not able to interact with students as efficiently as they used to, their dedication, determination and efforts are still prevalent in the eyes of the world. That is the reason why Teachers’ Day is celebrated today, to appreciate the countless good deeds done by every teacher. It is to remind not just the children but also the adults to go back and visit their memory lane and reconnect with the souls that provided every bit of knowledge that has helped them in their lives.

P.S.- For all the inquisitive minds who have read till the end of this blog, the proverb written in the beginning was a line from the poem ‘Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College’ by Thomas Gray. The figure of speech is considered (at times) to be an irony. Here is the complete line for you:

“Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise”.



Age of Awareness

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