The Art Of Letting Go
And how it can change your life
Letting go is inevitable, we all have to do it at some point in our lives.
It’s crucial for self-growth and moving forward in life.
Maybe your job doesn’t fulfill you any longer, your best friend is turning into a stranger, or the one you thought you would spend the rest of your life with is no longer what you are looking for.
No matter what the case may be, you will eventually have to make this difficult but life-changing decision of letting go.
Why is letting go so important
Have you ever wondered how your life would look like if you didn't hold on to anything? Deep down you know that replaying the past over and over again can’t change it. Hoping that things had happened differently doesn’t change them, it only stops you from developing a sense of self. A self that isn’t based on the past.
Letting go is important because it allows you to find yourself and live free of pain and emotional baggage. But what if this is all you know? What if this is what you are comfortable with? Some people have a hard time letting go of their past simply because they identify themselves based on those negative thoughts and emotions. Oddly enough, learning to live with your emotional baggage and making peace with it…