Tools for Thought

The Best Tools Aren’t Always Digital

How to Skyrocket your Studying, Thinking, and Health with a Whiteboard

Melior Mens
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2020


The Power of a Whiteboard

One year ago, I spontaneously bought a whiteboard on Amazon. This gadget has enhanced my learning and studying experience by at least 200%. Here is why:


At the time I got my whiteboard, I was trying to build a regular running routine. After I had watched some more or less useful YouTube videos about “How to make a new sports habit”, I knew that I’d have to set a trigger point (cue) for my workout habit.

As you may know, the structure of a habit is always the same: Cue, Routine, and Reward.

Having the habit loop in my mind, I always prepared my running clothes the night before and put the running shoes beside the bed. After waking up in the morning, I instantly knew what to do — going for a run. The shoes acted as my cue. It’s the same with my whiteboard.

At first, the board just hung there in my room, but over time it has become a trigger point for studying and thinking.



Melior Mens
Age of Awareness

I am a medical student with further interests in data science, maths, and AI applications to medicine. Earlier in my life I wrote articles about studying.