The Desert Road

A wisdom tale about discovering the nugget at your feet

Janaka Stagnaro
Age of Awareness
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2020


Artwork by Janaka Stagnaro

A man of no faith heard a holy man preach one day, who said that once a man asks God for help, God will always be there to provide.

Doubtful, he thought. Yet, so unhappy did he feel and so afraid of his current move, he decided to give it a try anyhow.

“OK, God, I’ll give you this one chance. If You exist and truly want to help me, just take me across the desert without any misfortune, so I can get to my new home.

“Nothing more.”

Thus the man set off in his car, to start a new life on the other side, across the vast desert.

All was going well on his journey, until the third day.

The man drove along the straight open road, musing about the prospects of starting over, worrying perhaps a bit about his dwindling money, and the fact that no work awaited his arrival when the car started to sputter.

And then ceased altogether.

Out in the middle of the desert.

The man got out cursing. He kicked the car and pushed the vehicle to the side of the road.

“O gee thanks, God! Thanks a whole lot! I asked a simple request: To get to the other…



Janaka Stagnaro
Age of Awareness

Poetry, parables, articles — spiritual, life-lessons, Waldorf education, artwork. 11 books.