The Dream Of A Sustainable Life

Which one day will be my reality

Ellen Quirke
Age of Awareness


Photo by Jan Piatkowski on Unsplash

Sustainability. It seems to be a buzz word that is thrown around more and more these days. And there is such a range of people interested in sustainability. From those who want to live a fully off-grid life to those trying to reduce their carbon footprint in the middle of inner-city living. And I think it is absolutely amazing. At the end of the day, our future as a planet relies on the collective input of all its citizens.

However, my pursuit might be slightly different from others. I see sustainability from a holistic approach that encompasses both external and internal facets of life. Hopefully, be reading this you can relate to my dream of a sustainable life.

What Does Sustainability Mean To Me?

When most people think of sustainability they automatically think of environmental sustainability which is defined as “humans culture responsibly interacting with the planet to maintain natural resources and avoid jeopardising the ability for future generations to meet their needs.” This is an insanely important aspect of sustainability and should be something that every human on this planet is aware of.

However, I see sustainability as such much more. When we look at the definition of sustainability we will see it…



Ellen Quirke
Age of Awareness

Living a sustainable life and writing about my experience. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Get my free sustainability eGuide