The Easiest Indoor Plants to Keep Alive

For all the serial plant killers out there.

Celia G
Age of Awareness


Black thumb: a notable inability to make plants grow: a tendency to fail as a gardener (Merriam-Webster)

Do you marvel at the sight of fresh, luscious greenery in the windows of your neighbors, but when you attempt ‘the plant life’, you end up with yellow, shriveled leaves? Do you search the internet far and wide for solutions to your serial-killer tendencies when it comes to plants? With so many plants available on the market, it’s easy to get caught up in what’s popular, or prettiest, without first considering which plants will actually thrive in your environment (and which ones won’t stand a chance). If you select your plants carefully, with your particular space in mind, there is no reason you can’t turn that black thumb into a vibrant and glowing green thumb.

Before we get to the list of the easiest indoor plants to keep alive, some of the most important elements to consider before picking a plant for your space is: how much attention you’d like to pay to your plants, the traits of your environment, and the toxicity of your selected plant.


How much attention are you willing to give to your plant? Some plants are more high-maintenance than others, and if you’re just starting out, consider looking into plants that require less from you and your environment.

