The First 5 Steps to Unlock Roam Research’s Potential

And transform your personal knowledge management.

Eva Keiffenheim
Age of Awareness


Image created by the author via Canva.

Roam is an online workspace for organizing and evaluating your knowledge.

Unlike linear cabinet tools, Roam allows you to remix and connect ideas, where each note represents a node in a dynamic network.

Just like Excel, Roam has a low floor but a high ceiling. You can use Excel for simple things like a grocery list, or you can run your entire business from one sheet.

Roam’s strategy is to attract people who are willing to invest time using a power tool. And the effort is worth it.

Once you know your way around Roam, you’ve unlocked the best tool for knowledge management. This article will teach you the first five steps to get started.

Step 1: Learn the most important shortcuts

Don’t waste your precious lifetime by navigating with your mouse.

With shortcuts, you’ll bring a 3-second action down to a 1-second. And because you repeat those actions hundreds of times each week, you’ll save hours. These are the Roam Research shortcuts I use every day:

  • [[ or # → Reference or create a new page
  • ⌘+ opt + 1 → Heading 1



Eva Keiffenheim
Age of Awareness

Learning enthusiast, TEDx speaker, and writer with +3M views | Elevate your love for learning with my free, weekly Learn Letter: