The Future of Education is Online

Universities, teachers, students, and parents alike need to embrace the shift

Deepak Mehta
Age of Awareness


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) are the future of education.

There are many inherent advantages an open online course has over the standard educational pedagogy that has been the norm for years now.

  • Scalability: In the conventional set-up, if you want to increase the number of students in a class, you need to move to a bigger classroom. Or in all likelihood, revamp the infrastructure. With an online classroom, scaling up the course batch size is a few clicks away.
  • Optimal resource utilization: Imagine a Nobel laureate administering a course at UCLA. At the max, he/she can only teach a class of 100–300. In their lifetime, they might be able to directly tutor a few thousand young minds. Is that truly the best use of such rare resources?
  • Self-paced: Many studies have found that people have different learning styles, and pick up new concepts at varying paces. Self-paced courses allow one to study and learn at their own leisurely rate.
  • Removal of other constraints: Not everybody in the world is privileged enough or sufficiently financially endowed to go to the States or Europe for higher studies. People currently in the work-force…



Deepak Mehta
Age of Awareness

5x Top Writer on Quora (2014–2018), Over 100 mn content views. Writes about Life, Happiness, Self-improvement, Books, Career, and everything under the sun.