The LAUSD’s Continued Assault On Special Education
Events in the past few weeks have highlighted shocking choices made by District personnel that have hurt our most vulnerable students.
“We’re treated like problem parents instead of concerned parents.”
– Parent comment to LAUSD School Board
No group represents the frustrations of parents in the LAUSD more than those who have children with Special Education needs. Like any other parent, they just want their kids to reach their maximum potential but the District makes them fight for every service that can help them reach this goal. It is as if the law that guarantees them a Free and Appropriate Public Education does not exist.
As the LAUSD Board prepared to retreat behind closed doors this morning to evaluate Superintendent Carvalho, I delivered the following comments reminding the Board to include his performance in the area of Special Education:
Last month, we discovered that despite what the Charter School Division has been telling communities for years, the LAUSD is not forced by law to give unrostered classrooms to charter…