The Mind of an Asian American in Spain Going to the Supermarket During the Pandemic

I’d seen the reports of Asians getting attacked as a result of the pandemic. I had to go outside for the first time since Spain went on full lockdown quarantine. It was a mix of emotions.

Hyun Kim 김현
Age of Awareness


I was here a little less than a full week before the shutdown

It’s day 34. Or maybe it’s day 33. 32 maybe? I don’t know. There was a State of Alarm from the government. Then a full lockdown. It was either March 14th or the 15th. I do remember that Thursday, March 13th was the last time I went to my Spanish class and it was the last time I was fully, freely out in the streets. It was also the last time I had an espresso. And it wasn’t even that good. Man,I really miss espressos.

It happened fast. The Sunday before the full lockdown I went to a big public gathering in the city square for a pyrotechnic display for Fallas, a UNESCO recognised annual event that brings over a million visitors from all over the world to our city of less than a million and injects millions of euros to the local economy. None of us thought the festival would be canceled. It means too much to the city and to the people.

I didn’t really want to go. Mostly because I don’t enjoy the mascletà as much as my lady and her family. I don’t…



Hyun Kim 김현
Age of Awareness

Writer/Editor: Vibe, MTV, Tidal. Marketing/Advertising: Nike, Samsung, The Madbury Club. Former #1 Google image search for bald Asian. Seoul->Ithaca->NYC->VLC