The One Question That Changed My Life

Leezel Tanglao
Age of Awareness
Published in
9 min readMay 8, 2020


I’m used to dealing with the unpredictable and spaces of uncertainty.

My 16-year career in journalism has taken me around the world but most of all, it’s taken me on a journey into the human condition.

All of us are on an incredible transformative path made from our choices and decisions.

More than ever, it’s important to embrace the known and unknown.

Both serve a purpose in our evolution and growth.

In this age of COVID19, the graduation ceremonies may be canceled but graduating into the world is not.

There will many challenges ahead but you are not alone.

In honor of the class of 2020, hoping these words will help you on your journey.

This is a transcript of the commencement address I delivered to 2017 the Asian and Pacific Islander American studies majors class at the College of William & Mary on May 13, 2017.

Just about everything in life begins with a question.

“What’s your name?”

“Where are you from?”

No, really “Where are you REALLY from?”



Leezel Tanglao
Age of Awareness

Director of Audience Insights & Innovation @thepointsguy | Host @blooddebts | Project Director @tayohelp | Alum: @huffpost @ap @cnnbusiness & more