The Power of a Smile

“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” — William Arthur Ward

Maryam I.
Age of Awareness


Photo by MI PHAM @phammi on Unsplash

The redness of the sky mirrored my burning cheeks as I neared the end of my run. As I slowed down, I glanced at an elderly man in his garden; he was bending down to pick up the stray leaves near the sidewalk. His eyes met mine. Without thinking, I smiled at him, and he nodded at me and smiled back. Jogging home, my legs felt lighter, somehow more nimble, as a strange sort of joy filled my entire body. As I slid off my running shoes, I realized I was still smiling.

That was about a year ago.

Since then, everytime I pass by my neighbor as he waters his plants or tends to his garden, I make sure to smile and nod or wave hello.

My day feels incomplete without greeting my garden-loving friend.

A smile is such a simple action, and yet its effects carry well beyond the momentary gesture.

Because when you smile at a stranger — whether it be a neighbor, cashier, waiter, or janitor — you acknowledge their humanity. Your smile means that you recognize them as fellow valuable human beings.

A smile is all it really takes for a stranger to stop being a stranger.

