The Secret Sauce to Success

It’s Not Sriracha

Arius Tunio
Age of Awareness
4 min readAug 30, 2022


Photo by Dima Pechurin on Unsplash

I know why you clicked on this post. You want to know the secret that all of those successful people have gotten their hands on. The Secret which you aren’t able to find no matter how hard you look.

You know deep in your gut that there is a secret, a potion, a magic trick, an enchantment that’ll make you successful and take you to the top of the world, but you haven’t found it yet.

Well, you’ve been looking in the wrong places. I hate to break it to you pal but the answer you’re seeking is not a myth, an enchantment, a bitter potion or a bargain with the devil. It is rather something simple and mundane.

But first what the hell even is success?

In order to be successful you’ve got to have a definition for it. To most people success is materialistic. It is having a big house, a nice car and overall a luxurious life with the people they love, without any coincidences or troubles.

In reality success is rather psychological. It comes down to how you define your success. Be it materialistic, minimal or spiritual. Whatever your definition may be, one thing that’ll always remain constant is that without the work nothing will be achieved.

It is here, where we all mess up. Because no one wants to work for it. Everybody wants it the easy way. They want it now. Without doing anything in the present. Because we have soaked up some bullshit opinions that have clouded our ability to see.

We have been taught that there’s an easy way to success. We have seen people that became successful overnight. But it isn’t true because society has been successful in selling us the facade of Overnight Success, and we need to burst that bubble off.

Overnight Success Is a Myth

There’s no such thing as overnight success. It is a myth. But even if it were true, for an overnight success to work, you’d need hard work and consistency for uncountable amounts of nights.

In fact this is what Jeff Bezos had to say about overnight success:

“All overnight success takes about ten years.”

And here’s what Seth Godin mentioned in his article:

“It takes about six years of hard work to become an overnight success.”

The people who are successful had put in the work and kept putting in the work until they got successful.

Take for example, the most prominent figures of today that are considered to be successful, like Billie Eilish, Elon Musk or Mrwhosetheboss. Three very successful people from different fields. They didn’t just blow up overnight. They worked all their lives until they got to where they are now.

Billie Eilish has been singing and making music from a very young age. She put out her first single when she was thirteen. Ever since she’s been making more and more music up until today where she is a global sensation.

Elon Musk didn’t just dream up about SpaceX and called it a day. He worked his ass off in an office come bedroom to find PayPal. A company which was later sold to eBay for 1.5 billion dollars. From which he invested his share in Tesla and founded SpaceX. He worked 80 hours a week as an Engineer and Designer at SpaceX while managing Tesla and his other companies. He worked consistently for many years to bring these companies where they are today, dragging them out from the threats of bankruptcies and shutting down.

Mrwhosetheboss, AKA Arun, didn’t become number one tech youtuber in the UK, because he got lucky or because of his voice. He made videos, continuously for nearly a decade till he made it where he is today.

This goes for each and every successful person. Don’t take my word for it. Look it up. Take any of your favorite successful person or role model and see how they started. They didn’t get successful overnight. They put in the work, struggled, made heaps of content. They worked to improve themselves and got so good at their craft that the world couldn’t ignore them anymore.

So it becomes obvious that:

The Secret to Success… Is Consistency

But we lack consistency. We want everything now. We’re impatient.

Burj Khalifa wasn’t built in a year. It took ten years to construct the damn thing. Because it takes time, effort and patience for anything to be built. Same goes for you. Work your ass off for ten years and you’ll find yourself in places you’ve always dreamed of.

Consistency, perseverance, dedication, focus are the real keys to success. Talent is nothing. Skills are nothing. Everything else is bullshit. Except for the work that you put in and your will to do something. Because ultimately, they are the root to everything.

Talents, skills and everything else can be built from scratch. Don’t pass on something just because you think you’re not skilled enough or talented enough. It doesn’t matter, you can learn everything. You can start from zero today. It’ll just take effort and eventually you’ll be there. If you put in the work you’ll be as good as the masters.

No dreams are wild enough to not give a shot. If you love something, be consistent at it. Do the thing tirelessly, keep putting in the work, without worrying about the outcome, without falling to the traps of doubts, without losing hope.

“Find what you love and let it kill you.”

And here’s where I leave you folks, with this question: What is something you’re so passionate about that you’re willing to do it even if it leaves you starving or struggling?

You know, a loser is more of a winner than a winner himself… Click the link to read more:



Arius Tunio
Age of Awareness

Hi I'm Abdul Rehman. An ambitious writer plus designer who’s eager to learn & teach new things. Invested in a plethora of things like art, poetry & other stuff.