The Secret Story of Diatomea Feeding Us Guts & Glory Education

Biology & a Goddess with a future vision

Desiree Driesenaar
Age of Awareness
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2023


Picture: John Hain via Pixabay

We live in superficial times. It’s as if living in cities made us dumb and left us clueless. We have no connection to our planet anymore. No bare feet in the grass. No swimming in the seas.

No singing in the rain and drinking in her glory of rainbows.

We really have no idea about the fact that we are spinning at 1670 km per hour through the universe. Glued with our feet to the surface with gravity.

So, let me tell you a little story about Diatomea. She’s the one with a million faces. A tiny microbial algae that is taking care of 20% of the oxygen production on our planet. Our breath. Every 5 breaths, we swallow her. And she tastes yummy. Because without her we would die.

She captures CO2. And feeds the planet. Whales and rainforests alike.

Picture: Wikimedia Commons

Diatomea travels light. She lives in the desert first. Her feet are scorched by the hot sand waves. Making patterns. And changing patterns by the minute. She’s complaining to her mum by now.

