The Tree

A Poem

Age of Awareness


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Standing silently,

Roots receded,

Earth connection,

Nature’s nurture,

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Li Carter is a writer, artist and crafter. She lives in South Wales, UK, with her family, and five rescue dogs. She’s on Twitter @rbcreativeli , Facebook: Rainbow Butterfly Creative, and Instagram @rainbowbutterflycreative and is the author of My Only True Friend: The Beginning. She is currently working on a new series titled The QuickSilver Chronicles. She is the original Rainbow Butterfly, and wants to fill an ever darkening world with a little bit of beauty and creativity.



Age of Awareness

Level 38|Wales|Writer|Artist|Crafter|Chronic Health Warrior|Fibromyalgia|DID|CPTSD|&