The True History Behind ‘Freedom Writers’

What about the millions of other classrooms out there whose stories go unheard?

Ryan Fan
Age of Awareness


From Jinh0574 on Wikipedia Commons

As a teacher in inner-city Baltimore, the movie Freedom Writers has a very mixed reputation, to say the least. Some see the movie as inspirational, but others see it as a white savior movie that implies that all inner-city kids need is a white savior teacher who can change their lives.

It’s a Hollywood movie that sensationalized what it means to be an inner-city teacher. Having just survived my first year — I realize that I have to do all the things that Hilary Swank, the actor that plays the real-life Erin Gruwell, didn’t do: put boundaries between work and your personal life, realize that you can’t save your students, and not ruin your marriage or relationship because you are so sucked into your work.

In real life, however, Erin Gruwell actually did do some great work at Woodrow Wilson High School (whose name a petition is now urging to change) in Long Beach, but real life is, of course, more ambiguous than the movie. Gruwell did a lot of good with her student, but other teachers in the school did too. She was the only one that got mass media attention, and it’s not like she didn’t deserve it, but other teachers deserved it too.



Ryan Fan
Age of Awareness

Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.” Support me by becoming a Medium member: