The Truth That You Were Ignoring About School

Mahdi Badjelmane
Age of Awareness
Published in
6 min readApr 8, 2021
Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

Is school really the go-to place to learn? What do people say about it?

Today, I will tell you my experience with school, I will tell you why school is not what you think it is, and some facts you need to know.

I am not here to tell you that school doesn’t teach how to manage your finances, how to communicate… I know that you passed by people talk about those things many times before.

No matter what you are, a teacher, a parent, a student, or otherwise, please read until the end, and let me know what you think in the comments. Share this with others too!

My Story With School

We all know how badly little 4–5 years old children want to enter school! They can’t resist when they see their old brother/sister come back from school.

I don’t remember that I was like that, but either way, let’s continue…

I entered nursery school at the age of 5, and I studied for 2 years in different schools. After that, I entered primary school.

Primary School

In primary school, I passed the first 3 years with good marks. I was always at the top of my class, it was a normal thing for me, and life moves on.

4th year came, we studied for almost a month or so, because of the unsafe situation we were in, in my town.

5th and the final primary school year, we went back to school, and I was preparing to graduate from primary school. After the unsafe events that I talked about earlier, we had a new teacher. Let’s say he wasn’t that good to be a teacher; I was correcting his math mistakes, which is one reason out of 99 reasons.

I used to run into trouble with him constantly, and I was also getting bullied by my friends. But that was the year when I changed my mindset, and I never got my feelings hurt because of someone’s say.

Thank God, I graduated at the top of my school, and my score was a miracle looking to the education I was receiving from school. My mother was the reason behind my high mark; she was always helping me study at home.

Middle School

Nothing much happened in middle school, my score was going up and down, but I managed to graduate as the 2nd in my school after I was the 10th in my class (not school) that same year.

And that was the year when I started thinking seriously about school; I knew before that I am wasting my time studying useless information, but it was just a small thing in my head; I thought that I have to do it.

High School

Moving to my first high school year, 3 years remaining to graduate, it is 2020! Exactly, you guessed it right, Coronavirus and the lockdown.

2020 was the best year in my life so far; why? Well… Everybody was locked in his house, no school, no important jobs needed to be done out of the house.
The second thing is: I am a computer guy, and I am an opportunity seizer. All of that made me put my full day since the first week of lockdown into learning and experiencing new things.

While learning new skills, I discovered some cool guys, mostly entrepreneurs, who talk about success and other related topics.
Since then, I have lost hope at school, and I almost forget how is going to school be like!

Now I am in the 2nd high school year, and my score is dropping 10% every trimester since the last year! In fact, I don’t have any intention to get back to study.

Why I Hate School?

Well, I see that school is a complete waste of time, at least for me and my goals.
Not because I can’t get good marks, and I am complaining about it.

Someone will tell me: You need all the information they give you because it is important for your future!!

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Really?! Tell me a life situation that happened to you where you needed to solve a math equation like this: f(x)= 2x²+10x/5
I am sure that never happened.

If you tell me that I need a diploma, that’s also a weak excuse; we are in 2021 already, wake up!

Someone Will Say: So You Want To Be An Ignorant?

To be clear, I am telling you “School” is a waste of time, not “Education.”

I listen to podcasts every day when I am on my way to and from school; believe me, I learn in a half-hour more than I do in 6 hours at school!

I love reading books, especially self-improvement and business ones.

90% of the content I consume online is valuable content from which I learn and develop myself.

I am not thanking myself, but I am telling you that the information is everywhere, not just in school or college.

What Society Think About School

Old People

I mean the ones who didn’t receive a school education, the majority are aged people, and many of them are women, which means our grandmothers, aunts…

Those people will do everything to see you study, that makes them proud and happy.

Let’s not talk about them; they are excused, and let’s dive into the second group.

Current Generation

Our parents and teachers generally say: You must study hard, be a good student, graduate and get a good job, and you know the rest…

I opened conversations about school with many people; one of them is my high school director.

It 99% of the time runs like this: I open the topic, they say their well-known excuses, I break those excuses, then at the end they say: The most important thing now is to focus on your studies.
Once, the director told me: You take your path that you are talking about, then others will follow you if you succeed, or they will blame you if you fail.

Let’s Analyze

I think that these are some of the reasons why people don’t think about school seriously and in a logical way:

  • The traditional path (which is going to school and then college…) is safer in their opinion, and they don’t want to advise you to do something they didn’t do and try themselves.
  • They follow others and what their community culture says, regardless if it is right or false, it is just what it is.
  • Parents love to say to others that their children get high school degrees; it is something they can not give up on.

“Love your child, not your friend’s opinion of your child.” GaryVee.

Shortly, people don’t want to be different from others, and they are afraid to look up for the truth.

That’s What You Need To Know About School

If you are a parent, student, or whatever, know that:

  • School is not the only source of education, and it is just 1 path of many others that a human being can follow.
  • School doesn't teach everything you need to learn, and not whatever school teaches you is useful for life.
  • The manner that school uses to teach is not helpful and optimized for everyone, and every human being has a proper manner of learning.
  • The system of grades and marks that school uses is horrible, insulting, and stupid. You can search for more details about this point.
  • School has some good things but many bad things, that’s why it is not worth it for most people, and that’s why I am here criticizing it.
  • School is not the safe place that helps you develop yourself and get better and be happy in your life and prepare you for the future, as people illustrate. It’s just an organization with its goals and objectives.
  • School contains some evil morals, like violence, irony, and many more.



I advise you to open your eyes and see further; the world is not trapped in school. You need to be learning daily on your own, read books, listen to podcasts and follow inspiring people online.
You need to figure out your life by yourself; school will not take care of you, so count on yourself.

Parents And Teachers

If a child gets bad degrees, that doesn’t mean he/she is weak or a failure.
That means he/she is not okay with school; you need to help him/her figure out the right path for him/her.

Note that all that I said is just my opinion, and that’s the way how I see and think about school. I can’t wait to see your comments!

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