Member-only story
They Really Don’t Want Parental Input
If the development of the LAUSD’s plan for providing Special Education services is supposed to be collaborative, why are parents excluded?
“They made it easy, cheaters have their way…
– Jane’s Addiction
The LAUSD’s Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Local Plan is a state-mandated document that specifies how the District assures “that it has in effect policies, procedures, and programs governing access to special education and services”. It ensures “a continuum of program options are available to meet the needs of students with disabilities for special education and related services.” The plan, which “is the central document by which…special education programs exist and function,” is reviewed and updated every three years.
In a draft of the updated plan that the District is required to submit to the California Department of Education by June 30th, 2024, the LAUSD falsely checked the box that certifies “the SELPA collaborated with the CAC [Community Advisory Committee] throughout the development, amendment, and review of all Local Plan…