This is Why We Need Your Naked Truth Right Now

Storytellers will reshape our future, not economists

Lucien Lecarme
Age of Awareness


Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

This piece is about how our old story of lack, separation, growth and competition is slowly becoming untrue for many people. Well, maybe all of us. You might still wear your blinkers and be fixed on this year's economic targets, but hey, have a look around. We are witnessing the collapse of our health, economy, democracies and nature.

At the base of this is the implosion of our culture. You might wonder what the new story will be when the old one is coming to an end. It is not here yet, but you can be part of it.

We are currently entering a story in between stories.

And this makes everything very uncertain. We have nothing to grasp to. Our very Western culture is falling apart around us like leaves from a tree in autumn.

Charles Eisenstein made a nice video about how in the 80ies and 90ies we looked forward to the future with unbound optimism towards, lets say, 2020. It looked bright, we would work less, have loads of leisure time, our robots would do the dirty jobs and maybe we would be flying around in space and have colonies on…. Mars? That was the narrative in those times. Maybe you lived long enough to remember.



Lucien Lecarme
Age of Awareness

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