Top 10 Countries Which Are Most Affected By Climate Change 2021

Effects of Climate change is impacting many changes in our ecosystem

Niharika Chhabra
Age of Awareness


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Climate change increases rapidly and affects many people’s lives, disturbing national economies, and changing our ecosystems. The effects of climate change are everywhere in the world. Climate change is referred to as climate crisis, global warming. We keep hearing that the ice caps melting, hungry polar bears, dead dolphins with bellies are full of plastic bags. The position of the climate and the health of our planets are linked, and changes in one will affect the other.

These climate changes are creating an increasing burden on governments, especially in countries that have limited resources. Changes in the condition of weather such as drought and shorter but more intense rainfall can negatively impact health and contribute to problems like flooding, food insecurity, and migration. Especially Indigenous populations, poor individuals, women, and people with disabilities, are often most affected.

In hot weather wildfires get out of control, reducing mighty forests to ash. The oceans are warming, the water is becoming more acidic. Our life, food security, health, and quality of life are all under threat. In the past century, the annual temperature on earth has increased…



Niharika Chhabra
Age of Awareness

4x Top Travel Writer/ SEO Content Writer/ Copywriter/ QA/ Published Author