Turning 30: 10 things I learned in my 20s

Jesse Choo
Age of Awareness
Published in
9 min readJul 19, 2020


I turn 30 years old this week.

I spent the past week thinking about how my life has changed in the last 10 years during my 20s. For sure, I have changed a lot.

No longer am I drinking Rockstar Energy Drinks on the daily, single, living at home with my parents, and studying in university with the hopes of becoming a police officer. Now at age 30, I am a business professional working in the tech industry, married to the love of my life, moved across the world to Amsterdam in Europe with my now wife, and write articles online.

If you asked me 10 years ago, I don’t think I could have predicted that this is how my life would end up as I enter the decade of my 30s.

It’s impossible to pinpoint which exact moments or days shaped who I am today. It was every conversation, interaction, decision, success, and failure that I experienced in my 20s, which slowly molded me into the person I am over a period of time.

As I reflect on the past decade, here are 10 things I learned in my 20s. Enjoy!

1) There is no clear path to adulthood

During my childhood, I remember the pressure that most kids had in high school. They were expected to pick a discipline/program to study in university/college, graduate, start their…



Jesse Choo
Age of Awareness

I am a Canadian business professional who currently lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands. I share stories about personal development, business, and life in general.