UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Has Started. Wanna Join?

Everybody can contribute.

Desiree Driesenaar
Age of Awareness
Published in
5 min readJan 14, 2021


UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. Wikipedia

The United Nations have declared the next decade 2021–2030 to be the ‘Decade on Ecosystem Restoration’. And the people who follow my work will understand that I’m mighty happy with this attention for the most important action of our times.

Why is it important, you ask?

Well, there is one truth. One truth only. And that is we are diverse humans on a planet that’s being destroyed by human greed and our limited ambitions to design human systems that optimize abundant natural laws.

We built our systems, such as economies, societies, and health on scarcity. Stupidly. Creating one human product without creating more qualitative value at the same time.

And if we don’t manage to align our human systems with the planetary, intrinsically abundant natural laws, our grandchildren will have no future.

I often write about nature-based solutions. Because that’s where it starts. The alignment of human systems and natural systems. We need to design systems that have benefits for humans (fulfilling basic needs for all) and that will allow Mother Nature to be regenerative as well.

